Question: How to Update balance?

Head over to your  balance page, where you can top up using Paytm or Indian Bank and other Payment Methods.

Bank Balance may tak 5-30 Minutes

Paytm Balance Will Be added instantly

Question: What is Partially status?

Partial Status is when we partially refund the remains of an order. Sometimes for some reasons we are unable to deliver a full order, so we refund you the remaining undelivered amount.

Example: You bought an order with quantity 10 000 and charges 100₹
let's say we delivered 9000 and the remaining 1000 we couldn't deliver, then we will "Partial" the order and refund you the remaining 1000 (10₹ in this example).

 Question: What is Cancelled Status

If Order status is Cancelled, it means system is unable to Generate Followers/likes/views due to server issue or profile issue, Cancelled status also gets automatically refunded!

Question: The average time of completion on orders?
All orders will complete within 24 hours of the order.
Instagram & Twitter orders may take longer to complete (1-3 days)

Question: Will I be refunded for drop followers or likes?
No, Likes/followers may possibly drop, this is because of the updates in twitter/Instagram/Facebook. This would only be around 2-3 followers per update. max. Some services are available for refill, they can be refilled again if dropped.
No refunds for the payments.

 Question: can i cancel an order that I've placed on

No, orders are permanent, cannot be canceled by Admin.
All users must be to the public before the order is placed until the order is finish. If the user is on private, please note that a refund is not issued as it will still hit our servers no matter what!

Also note If for any reason, We found you are doing any thing illegal,we reserve the right to withdraw your account from our system, including the balance. We also reserve the right to withdraw all followers/likes/views that you have processed through your account.

Other Questions?

SPEED: We can't speed up orders, system are automated.

DOUBLE ORDERS: We can't cancel orders if you made the mistake of ordering 2 times on the same link at the same time.

REFILL: For some Services while refill has been given, can be refilled by creating a Support Ticket using Order id.